Kenneth Dye was born in 1757 in New Jersey. He was the son of William Dye and Margaret Salter, also referenced as Sarah Salter. Kenneth Dye died in 1817 Mason County, Kentucky.He married Jane Vanderbeck who died before 1815 when he married Phebe Mounteer Dye, his sister-in-law and widow of Williama Dye.
Kenneth Dye's children are all mentioned in his will "proven" in 1817.
The children of Kenneth and Jane Vanderbeck were:
Special thanks to Kari Northup for her contributions to this page. Dye family reasearchers may contact Kari at Kari is a descendant of Peter and Abigail Dye.
Kenneth Dye's Will
I, Kenneth Dye of the County of Mason and State of Kentucky, being in a low state of health, but of perfect mind and memory, do this fifteenth day of March and year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventeen, make and ordain the instrument of writing as my last will and testament and do dispose of my estate, real and personal in the following manner. I give to my son, David Dye, one young horse four years old, one cow and calf, and six sheep and six hogs. I give to my son James Dye one bay mare called Jin, and fifteen dollars in money and four sheep. I give to my son Hiram Dye ninety dollars to be paid to him when he arrives of the age of twenty one years. I give to my son Kenneth Dye one hundred dollars and the andirons I now use, the money to be paid him at the age of twenty one years. I give to my daughter Jane one bed and bedding and curtains, one looking glass and sixty dollars all out of my personal estate. I give my beloved wife Phebe Dye all the property she brought to me including slaves and household furniture, also provisions of bread and meat sufficient for six months and two hogs, also one half of the rent of her place for the last year: providing she shall except of it as her right of dower or in lieu of her thirds, all remainder of my estate which is not here disposed to be divided between all my sons and daughters (unreadable) Peter Dye, William Dye, David Dye, John Dye, Hiram Dye, Kenneth Dye, the children of my deceased daughter Rachel, Margaret and Martha and my daughters Phebe and Jane, that is to say the two children of my daughter Rachel to have one share divided between them, the children of my daughter Margaret to have one share divided between them, the children of my daughter Martha to have one share divided between them to be kept at interest or laid out in bank stock for them, that is all except their share of land at the discretion of my executor the land I now own to be rented to the best advantage year by year til my youngest son comes of age at which it shall be equally divided between all my sons and daughters and my deceased daughters children before named together with all rents and money that may be left after bringing up and sufficiently schooling my youngest son and daughter, and my son Hiram six months schooling, and paying all my just debts, it is my desire that my sons Hiram and Kenneth be put to trades such as they may choose. And I do hereby appoint my friend Jonathan Roffs executor to this my last will and testament, also guardian to all my children under age.
In Witness whereof, I have set my hand and seal the day and year above named.
Kenneth Dye X his mark seal
Witness present
John Shotwell
Jonathan Roffs
William Dye
Mason County April Court 1817
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Dye Society Links compiled by Alan Farquar (Many thanks, Alan)